Eduardo Vergara

About me

Eduardo Vergara

My name is Eduardo Vergara. I was born and lived in Quilpué, Chile, for twenty seven years. Always in the same house, in Solidaridad street. I studied Electricity as young, and then a couple of years of Engineering and other two of Architecture in different universities. But i finally ended studing Construction Technician, and worked as Finishing Supervisor after it.

One day I took a plain. It was early morning, october 27, 2003. I started to be a tourist that day; a traveller of a travel with no end. Maybe this travel is Life, maybe that day i really started to live...

I have briefly visited many places during these years, including Argentina, Bulgary, Brazil, France, Italy and Switzerland, but right now i am back in Chile, living somewhere in Valparaíso. Sometimes you may see me around driving a 1996 Ford Ranger XLT SuperCab 2003 Ford F-150 XLT SuperCab.


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“ The important thing is not to stop questioning ”

Albert Einstein